Quantum Semester (QSemester) is a project of Center for Quantum Computer Science, and it will be hosted in Faculty of Computing, Univeristy of Latvia in Spring 2020 (February-June, 2020).
Quantum cousins QPoland and QTurkey are also contributing QSemester by preparing educational materials.
We plan to offer a set of courses (nearly 40 ECTS credits) in English. As we are in Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, we will focus on not only theory courses but also practical implementations. Our semester is a concrete step for educating the quantum software developers and designers.
Our main target group is ambitious and hard-working Erasmus+ exchange students.

We expect to host 3rd year bachelor students. The distinguished 2nd or interested 4th year students are also welcomed. Besides getting ETCS credits, each student completing our semester successfully will receive a certificate. We do not offer credit points for graduate level students, but they can still participate in and have chance to receive their certificates. Participants may extend their semester by using Erasmus+ internship program (QIntern).
In order to come by Erasmus+ exchange programs to participate in QSemester, please first check whether your country is in the list of Programme countries: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/about/who-can-take-part_en.
If your country belongs to Programme countries, please check whether your institution has an official Erasmus+ agreement with our faculty – Faculty of Computing (of University of Latvia). (You can ask Erasmus+ representatives of you institution.)
- If your institution has an official Erasmus+ agreement with our faculty, then you can come to our faculty as an Erasmus+ exchange student and enroll with the courses prepared for QSemester.
- For agreement and the other related issues, you should be in contact with the Erasmus+ representatives of your institution.
- Otherwise (including the case, when there is an agreement with our university but not with our faculty), you should find the Erasmus+ representative of your institution and ask to contact with our faculty’s Erasmus coordinator Prof. Juris Borzovs [juris.borzovs [at] lu.lv] to prepare an agreement. The agreement should be signed timely. After signing the agreement, you can follow the first item.
Do not forget to inform us by e-mail (qsemester [at] qsoftware.lu.lv) if you plan to join QSemester.
Please check FAQ for further information.
An Erasmus+ exchange student can earn at most 30 ETCS credits.
Main courses
- DatZ4028: Quantum computation (3 ETCS credits) by Andris Ambainis
- *DatZ3???: Programming quantum programs (9 ETCS credits)
- *DatZ3???: Introduction to quantum machine learning (9 ETCS credits)
- Seminar: Special topics in classical and quantum algorithms (3 ETCS credits)
- Seminar: Special topics in quantum information theory (3 ETCS credits)
- Mate2006: Linear algebra II (3 ETCS credits)
Additional Courses
- Theory of algorithms (3 ETCS credits, DatZ3050)
- Applied algorithms (3 ETCS credits, DatZ4022)
- Complexity of computation (3 ETCS credits, DatZ4026)
[*] The courses “Programming quantum programs” and “Introduction to quantum machine learning” will be added to our curriculum by mid-October. Both courses will be very practical and each is composed by 15% theory, 50% lab work, and 35% term project. We plan to do have lectures between February and May in computer labs, and then the students will have 6 weeks to prepare their term projects.
The course “Programming quantum programs” will cover the basics of quantum computation and basic quantum protocols and quantum algorithms and their implementations by using available quantum programming libraries. The course “Introduction to quantum machine learning” will cover the basic ideas and concepts of quantum machine learning and their implementation by also reviewing the classical concepts.
In the seminar lectures, we will have many speakers who will talk about different topics in classical and quantum algorithms and quantum information theory, e.g., quantum cryptography, quantum games, quantum walks, Boolean satisfiability, quantum algorithms for NP-Hard problems, query complexity, etc.
Project Committee
Project Director: Prof. Andris Ambainis
Project Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Abuzer Yakaryilmaz
Dean of Faculty: Prof. Guntis Arnicans
Erasmus coordinator of Faculty: Prof. Juris Borzovs [juris.borzovs [at] lu.lv]
Designer: Agnieszka Wolska
qsemester [at] qsoftware.lu.lv
Frequently Asked Questions
Please check this link in case of questions related to Erasmus+: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/documents/frequently-asked-questions-students-and-staff_en.